SCR Self Defense Training (updated)
The SCR Neighborhood Watch group has partnered with Master Ben Mitchell to provide Reality Based Self Defense classes to SCR residents.
The Course:
SCR is relatively safe, but crime can occur anywhere – at home, at work, or while traveling. We want to prepare our residents with the skills and confidence to defend themselves against an attacker.
This training focuses on real-life situations, drawing from police reports and participant “what-if” scenarios to provide you with skills to counter an attack. How would you defend yourself against someone pointing a gun at you? How would you handle someone who grabs you from behind?
Details are still being sorted out, but here’s what we’ve developed so far – the “basic” course will run once per week for approximately one month, starting in September. We will have a single class offering at this point on Tuesday evenings 7-8pm. There may be one or two Saturday makeup days, but the clubhouse is not available to us on Saturdays, so we will have to find alternative locations (dates of Saturday makeup days to be announced). We are have reserved the Emerald Bay Rec Center for the classes. Ideal class size is 20, but no more than 30. As of last Sunday’s meeting, we already have 47 people registered for classes! There is a small course fee to cover the cost of incidentals (water, t-shirts, etc.) – $20 for up to 2 participants; each additional youth is $5.
We realize that these first classes may not fit into your current schedule, nor can we fit everyone who is interested into the first round of classes; we plan to offer the classes on a repeating basis (given enough interest) and vary the schedule to allow those who can’t make the current class to register for another one.
The basic course is approximately 4 hours long, consisting of (4) 1 hour sessions. If there is interest, we’ll offer an intermediate and perhaps an advanced course, each running approximately 4 hours total (weekly hourly class or one weekend class).
The Instructor:

Master Ben “Mongoose” Mitchell is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and Wounded Warrior. He has decades of martial arts experience which, when combined with his military combat experience, make him a very skilled operator. He is Head Master Instructor at Twin Dragons MMA & Fitness and Owner/Founder of Virgin Islands Shaolin Kung Fu Institute, as well as a mentor and instructor to Wounded Warriors and Disabled Veterans in Self Defense.
Ben’s accomplishments include:
- 8th degree black belt – Goshin Ryu Bujutsu
- 6th and 7th degree black belts – Chinese Goju
- 5th degree black belt – Tae Kwon Do (WTF)
- Sifu (Master) – Si Lum Fut Gar & Hung Ga Kung Fu
- Brown Belt – Judo
Ben and his family are SCR residents. He is passionate about the community and wants nothing more than to teach our residents how to stay safe.
What do I need to do?
If you are interested in learning more, use the links below to “register” your interest. Note that there are multiple ticket options based on adult/child combinations. This adds you to the list of those interested so that we can plan classes – how many, when, etc. This does NOT register you for the actual course. A separate registration will be provided to you to register for the course. NOTE: Dates/Time/Location subject to change.