There are some important changes to our Self-Defense classes:
- Due to facility conflicts, we cannot offer a Saturday class at this time. At the moment, we are only offering the Tuesday evening 7-8pm class.
- Our equipment order has not yet been delivered. As a result, our first class will be pushed to 20th. HOWEVER,
- We do ask that you attend “registration” on September 13th 7-8pm at the Emerald Bay Clubhouse. This will be an orientation meeting to ensure you are registered, ensure we have the correct t-shirt size, and to set expectations for the upcoming classes.
- Due to National Night Out falling on Tuesday, October 4th, the 4 weekly classes will fall on September 20th, 27th, October 3rd (MONDAY) and October 11 (back to Tuesday).
- Weather permitting, Ben is going to offer a Saturday outdoor makeup class. This has not yet been scheduled and will be weather dependent. It is NOT a separate class, but an alternate date for current course attendees in the event they cannot attend one of the evening classes.
- Finally, we have close to 50 people who registered for the class at the meeting. The facility and number of instructors limits us to a maximum class size of 30. I know we promised at the meeting you’d all be able to attend, and you will – but we unfortunately cannot accommodate everyone at once. Some of you will be pushed to the 2nd class offering, but you are guaranteed a spot within the first 2 class offerings. I sent an email to everyone who registered at the meeting on August 28th asking each of you to confirm your registration. I have received only about a dozen replies. Please check your email address spam folder – I will be re-sending the message this evening. It is critical that I receive a response from you by midday Monday, so that we can prioritize you in the registration process. Also, if you are willing to wait until the 2nd set of classes (mid-October to mid-November), please let me know in your response. Additionally, if the lack of a Saturday class affects your ability to attend, let me know – we will use that information to determine the need for a Saturday classes and to locate a facility to use (as you know, the availability of facilities in this area is extremely limited).